Pay by Credit Card:
To help save time, you may pay your invoice here, any time, any day, using your credit card, through a third-party automated bill payment service. Dynacare does not charge an additional fee for using this convenient service.
We accept payments using:
You will need:
- Your Dynacare invoice number (top right corner of invoice)
- The balance owed on your invoice
- Your credit card number and expiry date
Dynacare does use the services of TD Merchant Services to process your credit card payment. When you click on the button above, you will leave our website and will enter a website maintained by TD Merchant Services. Accordingly, any personal information you provide during the payment process would be covered by the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions of Use on TD Merchant Services website. By clicking on the link above, you do acknowledge the provisions of this paragraph.
Pay at most major banks, trust companies or credit unions:
Contact your financial institution in order to set-up your bank account(s). Use Dynacare as your payee and your invoice number as the account number. Please note that you must change your account number for each invoice payment.
Pay by Phone:
You may pay your bill by calling Dynacare billing department at 1-800-668-2714.
Pay by Mail:
You may mail your payment to:
Billing Department
115 Midair Court
Brampton, ON
L6T 5M3