x7 targeted,
anything ≥ 7Mb
Trisomy 16, 22
All 23 chromosomes
Genome Flex High Risk Pathway
Sex Chromosome Abnormalities (SCAs)
Genome-wide with Subchromosomal CNVs
Same resolution as karyotype
Accepts Samples with Vanishing Twin
Gestational Age Available
9 weeks
9 weeks
10 weeks
Turn-Around Time
7-10 days
7-10 days
5-10 days
Access Results on DynacarePlus.com
Effective with high maternal weight
Ideal for women with oligohydramnios
Ideal for parent with translocation/chromosomal abnormalities
Ideal for Pregnancy with Ultrasound Abnormalities
25% higher chance of identifying the underlying cause of abnormalities detected on ultrasound