Think You Have an Allergy?
It is estimated that one in four people suffer from allergies. That’s when your immune system reacts to certain foods, pollens, dust or medications by producing antibodies that trigger particular symptoms. These symptoms can range from sneezing and itchy eyes – to severe or even life-threatening reactions called anaphylaxis. The good news is there are simple tests available to help you find out if you are allergic to a particular substance and help you manage your allergy.
Tests for 100+ different allergens
There are two types of tests used to help diagnose an allergy - a skin prick test and a blood test. The blood test is available through Dynacare. For the skin prick test, you must be referred to an Allergist by your healthcare provider.
Talk to your healthcare provider about getting an allergy test
Find out more by accessing our
Dynacare Allergy brochure