Are you at risk for diabetes?
Right now, about 377,000 Manitobans (27% of the province) have undiagnosed or diagnosed diabetes or prediabetes. In ten years, Diabetes Canada projects that number will increase to 464,000 (30%). Many Manitobans do not realize they are at risk for prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, which can have an impact on their lives, and the lives of those around them, if it goes untreated.
About the initiative
November is Diabetes Awareness Month, and Dynacare is partnering with Diabetes Canada on the largest diabetes wellness initiative Manitoba has ever seen.
The goal is to screen 50,000 Manitobans for diabetes using the A1C (blood sugar) test from Oct. 29 to Dec. 7, 2018, aiming to increase the number of tests by about 56% compared to the same period in 2017.
Between Oct. 29 and Dec. 7, if you get screened for diabetes using an A1C test at a Dynacare Laboratory and Health Services Centre Location in Manitoba, Dynacare will be making a 50-cent donation to Diabetes Canada for every test completed, up to $25,000. This campaign comes at no cost to Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living as it is fully funded by Dynacare, including the cost of all additional A1C tests ordered.
Dynacare is committed to the communities it serves and wants to make it easier for Manitobans that do not have regular access to health care, have not had their blood sugar tested or are part of high-risk groups to get screened.
What is an A1C test?
The A1C test is a blood test that measures what percentage of your hemoglobin — a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen — is coated with sugar. The higher your A1C level, the poorer your blood sugar control and the higher your risk of diabetes complications. It may be
done at any time, regardless of when you last ate, and it reflects average blood sugar levels from the past two to three months. You can read more about blood sugar testing here.
Are you at risk for diabetes?
If you have never had your blood sugar tested before, or you are not sure if you are at risk please start by review the risk factors and symptons of diabetes below:
Diabetes risk factors:
- You are 40 years old
- You have a parent, brother, or sister with diabetes;
- You are a member of a high-risk group (African, Arab, Asian, Hispanic, Indigenous, or South Asian descent; low socioeconomic status);
- You have health complications that are associated with diabetes;
- You have given birth to a baby that weighed more than four kilograms (nine pounds) at birth or having had gestational diabetes (diabetes during pregnancy);
- You have been diagnosed with prediabetes (impaired glucose tolerance or impaired fasting glucose);
- You have high blood pressure;
- You have high cholesterol or other fats in the blood;
- You have overweight, especially if that weight is mostly carried around the tummy;
- You have been diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome;
- You have been diagnosed with Acanthosis nigricans (darkened patches of skin);
- You have been diagnosed with psychiatric disorders: schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder;
- Having been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea;
- Having been prescribed a glucocorticoid medication by a doctor.
Diabetes symptons:
- Unusual thirst
- Frequent urination
- Weight change (gain or loss)
- Extreme fatigue or lack of energy
- Blurred vision
- Frequent or recurring infections
- Cuts and bruises that are slow to heal
- Tingling or numbness in the hands or feet
- Trouble getting or maintaining an erection
Getting started with screening
Dynacare and
Diabetes Canada encourage Manitobans to review
risk factors online.
Like any other medical issue or concern, speaking to your doctor is a good place to start. They will inform you if a blood sugar test is necessary, issue a lab requisition form (a document saying you should get a certain test done) and let you know how long it will take to hear back about your test results.
The A1C testing process
Since you do not have to be fasting for the A1C test, you can come in anytime, but be mindful to check the hours and parking availability at the
Dynacare Laboratory and Health Services Centre you intend on visiting in advance since they are different at each location.
A blood draw typically takes about five to ten minutes and Dynacare staff are professionally trained to ensure that you are as comfortable as possible throughout the collection process.
Once the sample has been analyzed, doctors who receive abnormal test ressults (high blood sugar), typically contact their patientes directly to arrange a consultation. Thoose participants without a family physician will be contacted by the campaign doctor if their results are high. Patients who receive a requisition from the campaign doctor will receive a mailed copy with their results.
If you are unfamiliar with the Dynacare testing process, please read the following FAQs for
during and
after testing.
Diagnosing diabetes
The A1C test is a method of screening a blood sample for its A1C hemoglobin level. The ordering physician is obligated to interpret and share the results with patients. This campaign is a
wellness initiative that is intended to make it easier for Manitobans with risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes to access an A1C test.
For more information on screening for diabetes in adults, please visit: